Wuxi galvanized square tube market price mainstream stable. Billet narrow pull up, high support of cost side, high opening and high walk of futures market, which plays a certain role in boosting trading sentiment in the spot market. By the peripheral macro stimulation, the square tube manufacturer's mentality is relatively optimistic. And the recent local price has been significantly higher, the current demand continues to be weak, the market continued to rise weak, mainly wait and see. It is expected that the local price control will remain stable in the short term.
Square tube price: as of the time of publication, angle steel: Angang 5:3980 yuan / ton, Angang 8:3980 yuan / ton; channel steel: Maanshan 10:4050 yuan / ton, Ma Steel 20:4000 yuan / ton; I-beam: Rizhao 25:4010 yuan / ton, Anshan Baode 36:3960 yuan / ton.
無錫鍍鋅方管市場價格主流持穩(wěn)廠家心態(tài)相對樂觀方管 無錫鍍鋅方管市場價格主流持穩(wěn)。坯料窄幅拉漲,成本端高位支撐,期螺高開高走,對現貨市場操盤情緒起到一定的提振作用。受外圍宏觀刺激,方管廠家心態(tài)相對樂觀。且近期本地型價已大幅走高,現需求延續(xù)弱勢,型市續(xù)漲乏力,觀望為主。預計短期內本地方管價仍將持穩(wěn)運行。Wuxi galvanized square tube market price … 無錫鍍鋅方管價格主流上行廠家普遍堅挺觀望方管 無錫鍍鋅方管價格主流上行,市場方面,早盤期螺持紅震蕩,加之周末市場拉漲情緒明顯,故本地方管廠家跟漲操作為主,幅度90-100不等。從市場了解到,交投 氛圍整體平平,方管廠家普遍堅挺觀望,下游對高位接受有限。當前雖然臨近年末即將冬儲,不過近期趕工期現象較為明顯,市場需求尚可,庫存較低資源表現偏緊。考… 無錫鍍鋅方管價格主流偏強廠家普遍觀望心態(tài)方管 無錫鍍鋅方管價格主流偏強,市場方面,早盤期螺持紅震蕩加之鋼坯端再度二次拉漲提振市場信心,方管廠家多試探上調40左右。從商戶口中得知,漲后市場高位交投疲軟,方管廠家普遍觀望心態(tài),終端補庫意愿較低。目前由于持續(xù)且大幅度的拉漲,市場恐高情緒增加,現貨中間商需求小幅釋放,下游需求仍然偏弱??紤]成本端堅…